Welcome to EAA Chapter 393
of Concord California

Kids Fly Free!!

Wild Apricot classifies a Family Membership as a Bundle Membership.

The primary / originating Family Member is the Bundle Coordinator and is able to manage their Family Members. This page has instructions to add a family member, how to edit a family members information and how to remove a family member.

If you need assistance please contact Support@EAA393.org.

Adding a family member

To add members to a bundle as the bundle coordinator, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your WildApricot site.
  2. Click your name or the View profile link to jump to your member profile.
  3. Within the Bundle summary section of your Profile page, click the Add member button.
  4. Complete the membership application form on behalf of the person you want to add as a bundle member.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The new bundle member's record now appears. To return to your profile, click the Return to bundle list and your own profile link.

New bundle members can have different join dates but will share a single renewal date. Depending on how your account administrator set up the bundle, there might be a limit on the number of members that can be added.

Editing family member information

The bundle coordinator can modify a bundle member's profile from within the bundle coordinator's profile. To modify a bundle member's profile, click the bundle member's name within the Bundle summary section of the bundle coordinator's profile, then click the Edit profile button within the bundle member's profile.

Removing a family member

Only an account administrator – not a bundle coordinator – can remove a member from a bundle, by assigning the bundle member to a non-bundle membership level.

A bundle coordinator, however, can archive a bundle member, so that the member is no longer part of the bundle, but still remains part of the site's contact database (though as an inactive contact).

To archive a bundle member, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your WildApricot site.
  2. Click your name or the View profile link to jump to your member profile.
  3. Within the Bundle summary section of your Profile page, click the name of the member you want to archive.
  4. From the member's profile that appears, scroll down to the bottom and click the Archive button.
  5. You can now click the Return to bundle list and your own profile link to return to your member profile.

Click here to make a donation and help finance our youth outreach!

If you have a Family Membership please see our Family Membership page for instructions on adding family members, editing a family members information, and removing a family member.

© 1971 - Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 393 of Concord, CA a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Mailing address: PO Box 6524 Concord, CA 94524-1524

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software